2024/25 學年「大灣區職涯探索之旅」

2024/25 學年「大灣區職涯探索之旅」



2024/25 學年「大灣區職涯探索之旅」


全級中四的學生於2024年9月20日參加了由教育局委託承辦機構籌辦的「大灣區職涯探索之旅」考察團。這次活動的主要目的是讓學生們深入了解大灣區的職業發展機會,並激發他們對未來職業生涯的思考。學生及老師們一同前往大灣區城市 — 深圳,這是一個充滿活力和創新精神的城市,吸引了來自各行各業的人才。










2024/25 "Greater Bay Area Career Exploration Tour"

All Form 4 students participated in the "Greater Bay Area Career Exploration Tour," organized by an agency commissioned by the Education Bureau, on September 20, 2024. The main purpose of this activity was to allow students to gain an in-depth understanding of career development opportunities in the Greater Bay Area and to inspire them to think about their future career paths. Students and teachers travelled together to the vibrant and innovative city of Shenzhen, which attracts talent from various industries.


On that day, the students visited the "Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Youth Innovation and Entrepreneur Hub (E Hub)." This is a place specifically designed to support young entrepreneurs and businesses, aimed at encouraging innovation and entrepreneurial spirit. Here, representatives from local coffee shop and Nezha Navigation introduced the latest development trends in their industries and the demand for talent. They shared successful experiences and challenges faced in the industry, helping students understand the operational models and career prospects of different sectors, and motivating them to consider their future career directions.



In addition, the students also visited the smart building showroom and the Internet of Things showroom at "Shenzhen Das Smart Co., Ltd." In these showrooms, students gained a deeper understanding of the applications of smart building and IT technologies, as well as the significance of these technologies in modern business environments. Through on-site visits and interactions with professionals, students developed a more comprehensive understanding of the business operations in various industries, which is crucial for their future learning and career choices.


The Greater Bay Area Career Exploration Tour concluded successfully and brought students an unforgettable and inspiring experience. Through the sharing of insights by responsible professionals, students gained valuable industry insights and broadened their perspectives.


Therefore, we hope that students can take this opportunity to set specific goals for their future studies and employment. During the visits and discussions, they should reflect on their interests and strengths, and develop corresponding career plans based on their dreams. By participating in relevant internships and training, students can consider employment opportunities within the Greater Bay Area, paving the way for their future careers.

Report of Greater Bay Area Career Exploration Tour (PDF)