Fitness Centre - Equipment

Type of Exercise

Exercise and physical activity fall into four basic categories:

  1. Endurance, or aerobic exercise
  2. Strength (Lifting weights, resistance band, body weight)
  3. Balance
  4. Flexibility
Muscle contraction

Isometric: A muscular contraction in which the length of the muscle does not change.
Isotonic: A muscular contraction in which the length of the muscle changes.
Eccentric: An isotonic contraction where the muscle lengthens. Eccentric contractions are lengthening movements of your muscles.
Concentric: An isotonic contraction where the muscle shortens. A concentric contraction is a type of muscle activation that causes tension on your muscle as it shortens

  • Treadmill

    <p>The pace you maintain on a treadmill determines the number of calories you will burn. For example, a 155-pound person walking at 3.5 miles per hour burns 356 calories per hour. If the same person walks 4.5 miles per hour, he will burn 444 calories per hour.</p>
  • Cross Trainer

    <p>When you use a cross trainer, also known as an elliptical, you decrease the impact on your bones and joints. Because you engage many more muscle groups, you may burn more calories at a lower level of perceived exertion compared to a bike or treadmill. A 155-pound person using a cross trainer for an hour at moderate intensity burns 570 calories.</p>
  • Bike

    <p>When you use a cross trainer, also known as an elliptical, you decrease the impact on your bones and joints. Because you engage many more muscle groups, you may burn more calories at a lower level of perceived exertion compared to a bike or treadmill. A 155-pound person using a cross trainer for an hour at moderate intensity burns 570 calories.</p>
  • Shoulder Press

    <p>The shoulder press machine is primarily used to train the front and middle shoulder muscles – the anterior and lateral deltoid. Your lateral shoulder muscles are responsible for lifting your arms above shoulder level. Training the shoulder muscles improves the stability of your shoulder joint and enables better transmission of power from the arm to the body.</p>
  • Pec deck (Butterfly)

    <p>The butterfly machine primarily trains your chest muscles. The pectoral muscles (pectoralis major and pectoral minor, referred to as the pecs) bring the arms together in front of the body.</p>
  • Chess Press

    <p>The chest press primarily trains your pectoral muscles, (pectoralis major and pectoralis minor), colloquially referred to as the pecs. Your chest muscles bring your arms together in front of your body and stabilize your shoulder joint, and are therefore involved in almost all everyday movements, such as lifting and carrying. Strengthening your pectoral muscles also maintains the functionality of the shoulder joint.</p>
  • Lat Pull down

    <p>The lat pull machine is primarily used to train your upper back muscles, i.e. the latissimus dorsi, the lower part of the trapezius, and the rhomboids. The upper back muscles lower your shoulders and are responsible for pulling the arms downwards and backwards, e.g. during pull-ups. Well-defined back muscles combined with a strong chest also help to promote healthy posture.</p>
  • Dual cable

  • Leg press

    <p>The leg press machine trains all the muscles used to extend the legs. This consists of the calf muscles (gastrocnemius and soleus) that flex the foot at the ankle, the anterior thigh muscles (quadriceps femoris or quads) that extend the knee, and the muscles in the buttocks (gluteus maximus or glutes) that extend the hip.</p>
  • Leg curl

    <p>The leg curl machine is primarily used to train your posterior thigh muscles, also known as the hamstrings. These muscles are used to bend the lower legs and to stabilize the knee joint during everyday movements. Well-trained hamstring muscles protect the knee from injuries and significantly prevent damage to the knee from excessive strain.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>
  • Leg extension

    <p>The leg extension machine is used to train your anterior thigh muscles, meaning the four-headed muscle in your upper thigh (musculusquadriceps femoris). The quadriceps is the muscle with the densest muscle mass in the body and consists of four parts or heads. These muscles are known as the rectus femoris, the vastusmedialis, the vastusintermedius, and the vastuslateralis. The main function of your anterior thigh muscles (quads) is knee extension, to support activities such as running and jumping.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>
  • Smith machine

Use of free Weight
  1. If you’re using very heavy weights, enlist a spotter
  2. Be careful when you lift a weight from a rack and when you put it back
  3. Be careful of other people around you
  4. Never drop the weights carelessly when you have completed a set
  5. Use two hands when lifting weight plates
  6. Extremely careful for all overhead exercises
  7. Biceps Curl/ Lateral fly/ Shoulder Press/ Chest Press/ Reverse Fly/ Lunge/ Goblet Squat