Decoding the Universe: Exoplanets through Starlight

Decoding the Universe: Exoplanets through Starlight

Our school collaborated with Dr. Leung Po Kin from the Physics Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong to host an engaging workshop titled “Decoding the Universe: Exoplanets through Starlight” on 12 Dec and 14 Dec. 
Fifteen S4 and S5 physics students participated, beginning with a lecture on basic astronomy, where Dr. Leung introduced concepts such as the lifecycle of stars and methods for finding exoplanets. Following this, students analyzed real data from the Kepler Space Telescope using the Lightkurve Python package, applying the transit method to identify potential exoplanets. This hands-on experience deepened their understanding of astrophysics and inspired them to explore further studies in the field. We extend our gratitude to Dr. Leung for his guidance.