Summer Internship Programme to study pathological changes and neural circuits of zebrafish
Summer Internship Programme to study pathological changes and neural circuits of zebrafish
Venue: Dr. Raymond C.C. Chang's Laboratory in School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine,
The University of Hong Kong (HKU)
Dr. Raymond Chuen-Chung Chang is our School Advisor. He is one of the top neuroscientists in Hong Kong. He gives continuous support to our school for the development of our school-based biotechnology curriculum and neuroscience curriculum. This year, three of our students were selected to join theSummer Internship Programme to study pathological changes and neural circuits related to neurodegenerative diseases in his laboratory.
Students were carrying out cryosectioning of mouse brain to prepare tissue for immunolabeling, a biochemical process that enables detection and localization of specific antigen of interest.
Dr. Raymond Chang was sharing tips and experience about being a capable student and independent learner.
Our students were taught how to prepare zebra fish tissues for confocal microscopy.
Thank-you card made by our students to express their gratitude to Dr. Raymond Chang and his PhD students
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