Although Sports is not too common among the girls, Haily is one of those rare cases who stands out from the crowd. She has proven to us that she can even outperform her male counterparts who appear to be stronger and more suitable in the sports field. She has been included within the Dean’s Honours List in the programme she studies (Bachelor of Arts in Physical Education and Recreation Management, HKBU). When asked about her future plans, she asserts that she will contribute her talents and delicate herself in the education field as her teachers have been inspiring and motivating her to endeavor to be an educator. She has struck a good balance between her studies and activities by squeezing limited time out of her tight schedule. Even though she is the President of the Physical Education and Recreation Management Society, she is still able to be included in the Dean’s Honours List. It is a vivid example to show us the importance of dedication and good time-management skills.