- 2 Nov 2024 08:30 am - 10:30 am
- 2 Nov 2024 11:00 am - 1:00 pm (本場已經額滿。No vacancies available.)
- 30 Nov 2024 08:30 am - 10:30 am
- 30 Nov 2024 11:00 am - 1:00 pm (本場已經額滿。No vacancies available.)
Students and parents are often placed in a dilemma where they struggle between choosing a CMI (Chinese as the Medium of Instruction) and an EMI (English as the Medium of Instruction) school. In view of this challenge faced by both P6 students and their parents, our school took the initiative to organize the Experience EMI Learning Day to help prospective S1 students to get first-hand experience on English as the medium of instruction. Through spending a comprehensive day at an EMI school, students understand more thoroughly which medium of instruction will suit them most.
Parents: Admission Talk
Parents are cordially invited to join a series of activities that would help in better understanding our school, these include school introduction, campus tours and Q&A session.
During the event, students would be enrolled in ONE of the following courses:
Course 課程 |
Course Outline 課程大綱 |
射箭及健體課程 Archery and Fitness Class |
我們希望同學能享受射箭的樂趣!除體力和集中力的訓練外,同學更能學到安全地進行射箭活動和自定目標,透過不斷修正而達到目標。還有,我們希望加入不同形式的器械訓練,令學生能夠正確使用各種器械和認識一些訓練理論,最終能自己制定個人健身計劃。無論是提升心肺功能,重塑身形,提升運動表現等。 Archery is fun and our students are expected to enjoy our archery lesson! Beside the physical and mental development, students also learn the importance of safety and how to set goal. In addition, there are numerous intangible benefits which students can attain at LFC fitness centre. Each student has his or her own unique fitness level. By using the equipment provided in the centre, they can find out about their strengths and weaknesses, and later train according to their physical needs. |
夢想飛行 Light Up Your Aviation Dream |
學生透過航空實驗室的硬件設備,如模擬飛行、駕駛倉飛行訓練、飛機結構來學習航空相關知識。課程透過滲入相關的科學知識,使學生能規劃飛行航線,模擬飛行。本課程以一個有趣實用,及透過實習的模式增加科目的求知慾。令到學生在一個不一樣的學習環境,從而學會探究及提高發問的精神。 Students can learn aviation related knowledge through our industry-grade equipment which includes the flight simulator, a cabin mock-up and an air-bus model. Students can have the opportunity to plan the route for the flying practices while applying scientific knowledge learned in the classroom. We offer a comprehensive experimental learning environment to stimulate students’ curiosity and their desire to pursue scientific discoveries. The ultimate goal is to nurture students with investigative skill and help them develop an inquisitive mindset. |
烹飪的科學 The Science Behind Cooking |
We eat every day. You may have cooked food sometimes, but other than the cooking procedure, do you know how food is made? Let’s practice cooking and learn the science behind it! |
企業概論課堂:股壇達人 Business Studies Lesson: Stock Trading Guru |
「股壇達人」桌上遊戲讓同學可以初次嘗試「以證券交易作投資」,從而令同學能掌握基本的理財和財務策劃知識,幫助他們建立正確的理財態度及習慣。 Through the board game, students can have a first taste of Stock Trading as an Investment. It aims at helping students learn some essential financial knowledge, and encourages good investment attitudes. |
經濟學課堂:《$80環遊世界》 Economics Lesson: “Around The World in $80” |
目標: 明白經濟學上的存款及利息 Objectives: To understand the meaning of ‘Deposit’ and ‘Interest’ in Economics. |
土壤科學基礎課程 An Introductory Course of Soil Science |
土壤是孕育萬物及萬物生長最重要的環境場所,它生產人類生存必須的糧食、纖維和能源。 為了可以科學化角度去探討土壤的質素,是次學習會於生態實驗室以實驗方式進行。 在這課程完結時,你將會學到: - 土壤形成的因素 Soil is the cradle of all terrestrial life forms. It provides the environments for various ecological systems. Without the healthy soil, there will be neither safe water sources nor safe agricultural products. Experiments in Ecology Laboratory will be conducted in order to analyse the soil from a scientific perspective. By the ending of this course, you will be gifted: To develop an understanding of what soil is made of and how it forms. |
微藻研究工作坊 Workshop on Microalgae |
本課程旨在介紹微藻的所有基本特徵,並讓學生在光學顯微鏡下觀察微藻。學生將學習如何測量微藻的光合作用,並了解微藻在維持生態系統中的重要性。 This lesson aims to introduce all the basic characteristics of microalgae and allow students to observe microalgae under light microscopes. Students will learn how to measure the photosynthesis of microalgae and understand the importance of microalgae in maintaining the ecosystem. |
神經幹細胞培植工作坊 Workshop on Neural Stem Cell Culture |
透過使用先進的高倍光學顯微鏡及實時影像系統,同學可觀察腦神經幹細胞的結構,認識幹細胞的基本特性。在老師的指導下,同學更可動手培植神經幹細胞,體驗本校獨特的幹細胞課程。 By using our cutting-edge microscope and real time imaging system, students would be able to observe the structures of neutral stem cells and study their characteristics. Under teacher's guidance, students could try culturing neural stem cells and experience our unique stem cell curriculum. |
DNA鑑定分析工作坊 Workshop on Forensic Genetics |
親子鑑定是一項應用DNA紋印分析,來確認父母與子女血源關係的生物技術。在工作坊,同學會化身成為小小法證先鋒,除了學習當中涉及的原理外,更會有實驗操作部分,以凝膠電泳來分析模擬DNA樣本是否存在血源關係。 DNA Paternity Testing allows testing of child’s paternal relationship by comparing the child’s DNA profile to the profile of the mother and possible father. After learning about the theory behind such tests, students will get to conduct paternity tests with samples provided by the school. |
物理研究:太空探索 Physics Study: Space Exploration |
學習利用計時器量度簡單鐘擺的週期,從而利用鐘擺週期去估計地深吸力的加速度。 課程內容: 研究影響鐘擺週期的因素。 Learning how to use a stop-watch to measure the period of a simple pendulum and then using the corresponding period to estimate the gravitational acceleration. Contents: Investigating the factors affecting the period of oscillation of a simple pendulum. |
分析化學:色層法的原理及應用 Analytical Chemistry: Principle and Application of Chromatography |
色層法是一個從溶液中分離溶質的有效方法。在這課堂中,學生可以學習色層法的基本原理,並親身體驗用色層法去分離菠菜葉中的葉綠素。 Chromatography is an effective method of separating the solutes in a solution. In this lesson, students can learn the basic principle of chromatography and will have hands-on experience to isolate the chlorophylls from spinach leaves by means of chromatography. |
美式桌球課程 American Pool Class |
美式桌球是一項有趣且引人入勝的球桿運動,挑戰學生運用策略和精準度。在課堂上,學生將學習桌球的基本知識、規則和技巧。美式桌球可訓練學生的專注力、邏輯思維判斷和空間控制方面的平衡。 American pool is a fun and engaging cue sport that challenges students to use strategies and precision. Students will learn the fundamentals of billiards, including the rules and techniques. American pool trains students' concentration, logical thinking, and spatial control skills. |
無人機編程避障任務 Drone Coding for Aerial Missions |
本課程透過無人機編程增強學生電腦運算思維及學識無人機飛行基本原理,學生會學習運用無人機編程去執行簡單飛行避障任務。 In this course, students can learn computational thinking through drone coding and learn the basic science knowledge of drone, they will learn the theories of how drone flies and drones programming in order to perform various missions, debug and improve their programs. |
創意影像工作坊 Workshop on Creative Media |
同學將化身小導演,一手包辦拍攝、剪輯及影像輸出,最終創作出一條創意短片。 |
中文資優課程:歌詞裏談情 Gifted Education Course in Chinese: Crafting Emotions through Words |
以流行歌詞切入,探討詞人如何刻畫情感;學員將應用所學習到的技巧,寫作詩句。詩句將被製作成有個性化的書籤,以作留念。 課程內容: 介紹以文字抒情的若干種手法; |
中文資優課程:編劇大師 Gifted Education Course in Chinese: Screenwriting Course |
課程介紹戲劇或小說作品常用的創作原理。學員將學以致用,分組編作屬於自己的故事,並以「讀劇」的形式,向其他「觀眾」展演。 課程內容: 介紹「特定情境」、「地點」、「人物」、「物品」、「目的」、「衝突」、「化解」等編劇元素; |
數學資優課程:你其實是發現者 Gifted Education Course in Mathematics: You Can Make Discoveries. |
同學置身一個學習的空間。他們不再只坐著聽課,而是開始發現事物。他們會動手體驗如數列等抽象的數學概念。他們會經歷自己能發現公式,而不是被告知。還有,他們會遇上如井字過三關,虹矽板上的尼姆遊戲。他們能夠以數學的方式去理解遊戲、發現致勝的策略及遊戲的本質。 Students place themselves in a space of learning. They make discoveries instead of being taught in lectures. They will tackle various Mathematical concepts like sequences and series. They will also be able to work out the formulae themselves. They will also get to decode games like tic-tac-toe, games of nim, etc. in terms of their mathematical principles. Figuring out a winning strategy and the mathematical nature of different games. |
Learning English through Drama - Ancient Gods or Goddesses |
Students will be introduced to a few ancient gods and goddesses. They can analyze their physical attributes, which thus helps them create a puppet of their choice. Students can bring their puppets to life in a play collaboratively. |
Learning English through Poetry - Mythical Creatures |
Having read a few poems about different mythical creatures, students will be able to gain in depth knowledge about these less known beings. After gaining such knowledge, they can construct a creature of their choice for a group performance. |
小小電繪師 Digital illustrator |
學習使用平板電腦,讓學生感受電繪帶來嶄新的創作經驗。 Learning to use a tablet for digital drawing can provide students with a brand new creative experience. |
迷你四驅車組裝體驗 Experience mini 4WD assemble |
學習迷你四驅車有許多好處。首先,它培養了對細節和精密性的重視。構建和調整迷你四驅車需要仔細處理小零件和微調,這培養了耐心和專注力。其次,這是一個很好的機會來了解機械運動的基礎原理。通過觀察和實踐,學習者可以理解輪胎、驅動系統和懸掛的運作方式,培養對物理和工程的興趣。此外,迷你四驅車也促進了手眼協調和反應速度的發展。在控制車輛的過程中,需要快速反應和準確操作,這對於學習者的反應能力和協調性有很大的幫助。總之,學習迷你四驅車不僅帶來樂趣和娛樂,還能提升技能和培養有用的知識。 There are several benefits to learning to play with a mini 4WD car. Firstly, it cultivates an appreciation for detail and precision. Building and tuning a mini 4WD car involves handling small parts and making fine adjustments, which develops patience and focus. Secondly, it provides a great opportunity to understand the basic principles of mechanical motion. By observing and practicing, learners can grasp how tires, drivetrains, and suspensions work, fostering an interest in physics and engineering. Additionally, mini 4WD cars promote the development of hand-eye coordination and reaction speed. Controlling the vehicle requires quick responses and precise maneuvers, which greatly benefits learners' reflexes and coordination. Overall, learning to play with a mini 4WD car not only brings enjoyment and entertainment but also enhances skills and cultivates valuable knowledge. |
(1) Should parents wish to drive, please use the public parking lot nearby.
(2) Under the following unlikely circumstances, the event will be cancelled: (a) The Observatory issues a Red/ Black Rainstorm Warning Signal, or Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above; OR (b) The EDB announces suspension of schools.
(3) Please use the entrance at Po Hong Road and be admitted with a valid ticket per person and for the applied session. A valid paper ticket needs to be presented at the entrance where photocopied tickets, tickets shown electronically, screen-captured tickets and so on are NOT accepted.
(4) Students enrolled in the lesson should arrive 15 minutes earlier (latecomers will be considered as withdrawing from the lesson) and present his/ her handbook/ student card for identity verification. His/ her parent/ guardian MUST also attend the admission talk.
(5) Certificates will be presented only to students who have completed the lesson.
(6) Photo-taking and video-taking are NOT allowed in classrooms.
(7) Tickets for admission talk and lesson are not for sale, non-transferable, non-exchangeable and should not be acquired through dishonest means.
(1) A total of 150 places is available for lessons. Applications will be allocated randomly (not on first come first served basis).
(2) Only 4 to 6 students are allowed for each lesson. Depending on various factors, the capacity of individual lessons varies.
(3) Completion of application does NOT imply that your child must be enrolled in a lesson. The allocation result will be announced a week in advance.
(4) Your child may be allocated to NONE of the lessons, OR allocated to a lesson which is not applied for.