Neuroscience Conference 2010

The 40th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2010)

(San Diego, CA, U.S.A.)


It was pleased that four research abstracts done by our students were accepted by The Society for Neuroscience (SfN) as a poster conference paper in 20062008 and 2010 respectively.

On November 13-19, 2010, Dr. Suen Ka Chun and five students who were Wong Yat Hei (5M), Yuen Chun Ting (5J), Lam Ngo Hung (5J), Ho Ho Yin (4M) and Lau Sin Pang (5J) attended the 40th Annual Meeting of SfN and presented their research poster titled “Elicitation of a pungent sensation does not implicate memory modulation in adolescents aged 14-16” [abstract].  This was a collaboration project with the research group of Dr. Raymond C.C. Chang, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong, China.

In the same conference, Dr. Suen Ka Chun (co-authors: Mr. Chan Wing Kwong, LHT and LFC Principal and Dr. Chang, HKU) also presented his educational paper titled “Development of a school-based neuroscience curriculum in a high school in Hong Kong”. [abstract]

The itinerary of this conference trip:

Day 1 (Nov 13, 2010)

  • Dr. Suen, Lam Ngo Hung, Ho Ho Yin, Wong Yat Hei, Yuen Chun Ting and Lau Sin Pang (from left to right) were ready to go to attend the 40th Annual Meeting of SfN in San Diego. The first flight of this trip was from Hong Kong to San Francisco. (This photo was taken in The International Airport of Hong Kong at 10:25 am.)

  • They were waiting for a flight from San Francisco International Airport (SFO) to San Diego International Airport (SAN). (This photo was captured in SFO at 11:35 am.)

  • After a 14-hour flight trip (2 flights), they had arrived in San Diego, CA. They then took a mini-van to Omni San Diego Hotel. (This photo was taken in SAN at 12:10 pm)

  • After a 30-minute rest in the hotel, they went to San Diego Convention Centre to register their attendance. (This photo was taken at an entrance area of San Diego Convention Centre at 2:35 pm.)

  • They were looking for Dr. Suen’s poster board and planning to attend different public lectures. (This photo was captured in the San Diego Convention Centre at 2:50 pm.)

  • Dr. Suen was ready to present his conference poster. This photo was taken in the Exhibit Hall B, San Diego Convention Centre at 3:15 pm.)

  • At 5:15 pm, our students then proceeded to Ballroom 20 to attend a Presidential Special Lecture. The topic was “Adventures in Nontranslational Research: Neuronal Differentiation and Mechanosensory Transduction in C. elegans” . The speaker was Prof. Martin Chalfie.


Day 2 (Nov 14, 2010)

  • In the morning, our students had their breakfast in the convention centre. Then, they went to visit different poster presentations in the Exhibit Hall B. (This picture was taken at 9:15 am)

  • After lunch, our students went to visit Dr. Chang’s poster. Dr. Chang (right) explained his research ideas and encouraged our students to study in the medical school in The University of Hong Kong. (This photo was captured in the Exhibit Hall B at 2:20 pm.)

  • In the conference, there were different booths set up by biotechnology companies. In one of the booths, Wong Yat Hei (left) was testing his motor-learning ability.

Day 3 (Nov 15, 2010)

  • In addition to attending the conference, our students went to San Diego Zoo to study different wild animals. (This photo was taken at the entrance area of Elephant Odyssey in the San Diego Zoo at 12:30 pm.)

  • Our students were capturing pictures and movies about different wild animals. There was a question raised by a student during the visit to the zoo: Why were so many wild animals endangered? Do you know why?

  • Giraffes and elephants can be found in this zoo.

  • As students were going to present their findings on Nov 16, they were doing their final rehearsal (This photo was captured in Omni San Diego Hotel at 9:00 pm).


Day 4 (Nov 16, 2010)

  • This morning, our students attended a Special Lecture – “Genetic Dissection of the Mouse Brain: Toward a 21st Century Brain Pharmacology” at 8:30 – 9:30 am.


    Afterwards, they attended a symposium which key topic was “Memory Enhancement Strategies for the Treatment of Cognitive Disorders” at 9:30 – 10:40 am. In this symposium, there were 3 subtopics: (1) The construction of memory circuits; (2) Targeting protein phosphorylation to enhance memory; (3) Genetic enhancement of memory in NR2B transgenic rats.


    At 11:30 – 12:30, our students attended another Special Lecture. Its topic was “How Do I Smell? A Guided Tour of Human and Insect Olfaction”.

  • At 1:00 – 5:00 pm, our students presented their research findings. It was a great experience for our students to build up communication with other scientists. Most importantly, our students received many constructive comments on their study.

Day 5 (Nov 17, 2010)

  • Our students went to San Diego Sea World to learn the life of various aquatic organisms. It was a great opportunity for our students to appreciate the role and life of every organism in the world.


Day 6 (Nov 18, 2010)

  • Dr. Suen and his students left Omni San Diego hotel at 4:00 am. They then travelled to SFO and took a 14-hour flight to Hong Kong.

Day 7 (Nov 19, 2010)

  • Dr. Suen and his students arrived in Hong Kong at 6:40 pm on Nov 19, 2010, indicating the end of this conference trip to San Diego 2010.