A visit to Dr. R.C.C. Chang's Laboratory in HKU

Our students visited Dr. Raymond C.C. Chang's Laboratory in School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong (HKU) on May 17, 2019. 

Dr. Raymond Chuen-Chung Chang is our School Advisor. He gives continuous support to our school for the development of our school-based biotechnology curriculum and neuroscience curriculum. Recently, Dr. Chang and our school have started a project called "Nurturing Young Neuroscientists in Secondary Schools" and have joined the HKU knowledge exchange exercise. On 17th May 2019, our students had an opportunity to visit Dr. Chang's Laboratory in School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, HKU to learn how advanced experiments about neuroscience are carried out, such as neuronal culture and confocal microscopy. 

  • <p>Dr. Chang was introducing the laboratories located in Laboratory Block, Faculty of Medicine Building, HKU.</p>
  • <p>Dr. Chang and his research students talked about the importance of doing scientific research.</p>
  • <p>Dr. Chang's research student was introducing the theory about confocal microscopy and the working principle of some highly advanced microscopes.</p>
  • <p>Our students had a chance to try confocal microscopy.</p>
  • <p>Dr. Chang explained how confocal microscopy can help scientists understand the distribution of different neurons in the brain.</p>
  • <p>Dr. Chang's research student demonstrated how to&nbsp;culture primary hippocampal cells from rat brains.</p>
  • <p>Our students were observing the 1-day old cultured neurons from rat's hippocampus.</p>
  • <p>Dr. Chang talked about the career path of scientists and how to transfer scientific knowledge into the field of applied science and business.</p>
  • <p>This is the group photo taken at the end of the visit.</p>